Our story
Hello we’re Sarah and Marek.
Thanks so much for stopping by! We’re buzzing!
We’d love to tell you more about our journey. Take a look here to see how Honey Tradition began…
A runny honey with a mild sweetness and blackberry aromas.
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A mild, versatile honey harvested by bees from Blackberry and Acacia flowers. It’s sweet, silky in texture and perfect for a sweet tooth.
Enjoy yours with
Hot drinks, fruit and yogurt, or as a natural sweetener when baking.
Health benefits
Blackberry Acacia honey is said to support healing wounds and is said to reduce the effects of skin conditions, killing bacteria by breaking down cell walls.
Our promise
We harvest our Blackberry Acacia Honey ethically and consciously from colonies of happy bees that our family has been nurturing for over four generations. Our is unprocessed with no artificial ingredients or preservatives.
Weight: 500g
Storage: Store in a dark, cool dry place. For ‘best before end’ see label.
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Tip 1: To preserve the enzymes of our raw, natural Honey in cooking keep it below 45 degrees Celsius.
Tip 2: Crystallisation is a natural process honey and it does not affect the quality. Simply heat the jar in Bain Marie, stir and repeat 2-3 times.
Tip 3: Always try to use a dry spoon in honey, it reduces the speed at which fermentation occurs.
Hello we’re Sarah and Marek.
Thanks so much for stopping by! We’re buzzing!
We’d love to tell you more about our journey. Take a look here to see how Honey Tradition began…
We love our bees, they’re part of the family! Our farming practices ensure that our bees have more than enough bee pollen and honey available to thrive in the hive.
After all happy bees = happy beekeepers = happy customers!